Why become a Key Club member?
- Joining us not only will you learn about leadership skills but you will make new friends, connections as well as helping our community and earn community service hours.
What are club dues?
- A member must pay dues in order to be a member of Key Club International. Dues are $11.50, which includes a $7 international fee and a $4.50 district fee.
Why should I become a Dues Paid member?
- DCON & International Convention
- Be eligible for awards/scholarships
- Fall Rally N & S
- Liability Insurance
- Membership card & pin
- Official member of Membership Update Center (colleges will check)
- Take part in division, region, district events
How can I pay my dues?
- You can either call in the office and pay with your credit card (a small fee will applied) or pay with cash or check at the finance office.